Missions: Our primary mission is to encourage and support the Lord’s work in North Carolina with an emphasis on Cabarrus County. We believe that it is our mission to “go and make disciples of every nation baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that the Lord has commanded of us.” We currently support several missions.
Benevolence: We conduct the Food for Families ministry every fall for the holiday season. All members are encouraged to participate as well as our Sunday
School classes. All families are encouraged to participate in our nursing home singing and gifts for the patients.
Our focus is to respond on an individual basis to the food, medical, and family needs as they arise. We believe that if we give to one another that our Lord will return to us blessing “full measure pressed down and shaken together running over” so that we will continue to give more.
Youth: The focus of our youth ministry is to strengthen the faith of our children and help them find their way through this world, to feed their spiritual development, grow their love for God and make them ready for their adult life. Our effort is to support their family’s efforts to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Our youth activities include a number of opportunities to take leadership roles in our assemblies and devotional services, community service projects, and social events. The youth group is divided into two age groups (grades 6-9 and grades 10-12).
Family Life: We believe that we are the family of God. The focus of the Family Life Ministry is the function and wellbeing of the church family. We are urged “brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all…So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” It is vital for our new members to establish a joyful and productive fit in the church family. An active fellowship and the communication of those activities are critical for the spiritual health of our family. The congregation has an age group program for all ages. (Golden Agers, Young Married, Youth, etc.)
Education: The focus of our Bible School ministry is the Word of God to know the truth of God, to address Christian doctrine and Christian life, to develop a sense for the spiritual life, to live the life that God intended for us on this earth. “The whole duty of man is to worship and serve the Lord and keep his commands.” We have developed the curriculum guide used by our teachers in the children’s classes that is based entirely on the contextual structure of the Bible.
Assembly Management: The focus of the assembly management ministry is to create a decent and orderly environment for our congregational assemblies that we may “worship our God in spirit and in truth.” We believe that our assemblies should offer praise and glory to God and growth, comfort, and encouragement to the people.
Training is provided for each participate in the public worship for each area of worship. (Song leading, public prayers, announcements, invitation, devotionals, communion service, ushering, greeting, speaking, etc.).
Congregational Database: The focus of our Database Ministry is to create the digital congregational directory that will enhance the communication of the membership and the operation of the ministries. This requires a routine to gather, update, and dispense this information throughout the membership, respecting the privacy of the members.
Member Outreach: The focus of the Member Outreach ministry is seek and encourage the restoration of our members who have wandered from the fold. The ministry will attend to and maintain a lifeline with our members who are unable to be a part of our assemblies.
Training classes for members will be available to assure the correct process will be used in working with wayward members.
Local Evangelism: It is the focus of this ministry to take the gospel to the lost and create opportunities for the lost to come to us. This ministry is the work of every member. They will also make contact with and offer our services to our visitors.
Food For Families: It is the purpose of this ministry to provide meals for families when they are in time of crisis. Several teams of 5-6 members each have been formed to serve in rotation for a month at a time. Meals may be created ahead or as the need arises. When illness, death, or various hardships. They may also provide food for shut-ins, community shelters, etc.
Digital Communications: The focus of this ministry is to manage the webpage and the communication networks for the church.
Daybreak Magazine: The Daybreak Magazine is a daily devotional published monthly and is free to anyone. The devotions are written by members young and old of our congregation and several other congregations. It is available on line or by mail.
Audio/Visual: The focus of this ministry is to manage the sound system and digital presentations for the assemblies and video recording for the website.
The Lighthouse: The Lighthouse is a weekly publication to communicate the news, activities, and other information important to the church family.
Facility Management: This ministry maintains the security and operation of the building and grounds of the church. Specific procedures and training is available to ensure the safety of the members and the facility.
Church Library: This ministry maintains and operates a physical library at the building to provide resources for the members own Bible study and literature. An on-line library and resource guide is available on our Web site.
Finance/Treasurer: These ministries oversee the budget, collections, and distribution of the church funds. Transparency and monthly reporting is an important requirement of the group.
The Church Finance group will be audited at least once per year.
Service Ministry: This ministry is to identify service needs within the congregation as well as the community around us. Seeking ways to serve our older members is a key responsibility of the church.